Diverting from Landfill
EHA’s construction site on the Trench Road, LondonDerry recycled 21,144 tonnes of waste material. You can see below what that compares to!
This was recycled from May 2017 – December 2018.
Trench Road is a site of new social housing. 78 homes will be built for Apex Housing Association and handed over early 2019.
EHA is committed to the UK’s strategy for sustainable construction, through the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) in association with the Northern Ireland Waste Strategy. EHA Group use the Construction Excellence KPI Engine to both monitor and benchmark our environmental performance, including waste management and recycling.
These strategies and benchmarks allow businesses to make a public commitment to the UK’s strategy for Sustainable Construction and work towards reducing construction, demolition and excavation waste sent to landfill.
The construction industry in Northern Ireland makes a major contribution to the national economy, providing employment for some 80,000 people and turning over in excess of £3.4bn per annum.
However, the amount of construction, demolition and excavation waste produced in Northern Ireland is estimated at around 4 million tonnes per annum. That’s almost 5 times the weight of the Golden Gate Bridge, which weighs 805,000 tonnes! The construction industry as well as all commercial and industrial industries have been set a target of recycling 60% of this waste by 2020 under the Strategy for Waste Management in NI (WRAP NI).
In order to help with this target, the Northern Ireland Central Procurement Directorate has set up the Sustainable Construction Group to issue guidance and advice on how to implement sustainability in construction. They list 10 themes for action, one of these themes is “Respect for People and their Local Environment”. The Considerate Constructors’ Scheme (CCS) embodies the respect for the local environment in its code of practice, which EHA has also registered all their sites with in Northern Ireland.
In connection with the scheme, all of our sites do all they can to reduce any negative effect construction work has on the environment. We work in an environmentally conscious, sustainable manner. This includes:
- Noise from construction operations and all other sources kept to a minimum
- Continual effort made to select and use local resources wherever possible
- Prioritising waste management and the avoidance of pollution
- Recycling and the use of recycled materials
Watch out for more updates on landfill diversion from our other sites.