Glen Road Heights CCS Site Visit
Our Glen Road CCS Visit took place on the 12th of December 2018. This was the first Considerate Constructors Site Visit on the scheme.
We are delighted that the site achieved a score of 37 out of 50.
This score is considered Very Good – Excellent.
This means that all items on the CCS Code of Considerate Practice have been satisfactorily addressed and additional measures have been made to address further measures. This demonstrates performance to a very good/excellent standard well beyond the minimum requirements of the Scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice.
The Glen Road Heights scheme started in March 2018 for our client Choice Housing and is located on the Glen Road, Hannahstown, West Belfast.
A total of 92 much needed new homes will be built. These social homes will accommodate more than 350 people and incorporate the very latest in energy-saving, design and security features.
During the CCS Site Visit the Monitor observed how the site represents the company and the construction industry, access to the site offices and the facilities provided for staff. The Monitor also reviewed whether the site’s procedures are in accordance with the Scheme’s Code.
The Site Monitor provided some excellent feedback in their report;
“E H Allingham presents a professional image of construction on this site. The external appearance of the works is very good for a project of this nature.”
“This new Housing Development has got off to a very good start.”
“The site shows very high levels of respect for the community and the site is open to offering Goodwill Gestures for the neighbours.”
“Excellent Standards of Environmental and Safety Performance are demonstrated on site.”
“A supportive and caring working environment is provided for the workforce.”
“For a high impact rural construction site of this nature – the approach to considering the environment is excellent at this stage.”
“The General Approach to Safety is excellent for a major rural Housing Project.”
Well done to the site team. We look forward to progress in the New Year.