EHA calls on the creativity of local primary school to make our site a work of art
EHA Group has partnered with Harryville Primary school, Ballymena to enter the Ivor Goodsite Hoarding competition launched by the Considerate Constructors Scheme.

Now in its fifth year, the competition enables children of all ages to unleash their artistic skills on site hoardings which brightens up construction sites for the local community for the duration of the building project, while building closer links between contractors and the local community.
Considerate Constructors Scheme Chief Executive Edward Hardy said:
“The Scheme is delighted to launch this year’s Ivor Goodsite Hoarding Competition, which provides the perfect opportunity for children to use their artistic skills on sites’ hoardings throughout the UK.”
“The Scheme is always impressed by the standard of entries received from our registered sites, companies and suppliers, who engage with their communities in such a positive and inspirational way. We look forward to seeing this year’s colourful and constructive works of art which make a great contribution to improving the image of the construction industry.”
Mark Gilmore, Contracts Director EHA Group adds;
“EHA are delighted to work along with Harryville Primary school, located beside one of our current social housing projects, Wakehurst Court, in partnership with Clanmill Housing. It is the first time we have entered the Considerate Contractors hoarding competition and we have found it to be a great way to integrate further with the local community around our build.
“We are very keen to integrate with the local community on all of our projects and have already collaborated with the local innovation centre in Ballymena prior to the hoarding competition. It all ties in with our dedication to achieve best practice under the Code of Considerate Practice.”
“We were thrilled to have been invited to be part of such a creative project by the EHA Group. Our pupils here at Harryville really enjoyed planning, designing and creating their pieces of art which combine to make such attractive hoarding for around the building site, which indeed benefits our entire community. Such creativity also promotes good learning and raises awareness with children on how important safety is around the building site.”