Mimosa Court: Street Art

Peaball Creatives an Art, Design & Facilitation group collaborated with young people in the area of our social housing scheme at Mimosa Court, Derry.

The project was undertaken over the recent lock down with  the local youth club in the Gobnascale area. The new art work was installed last week along the hoarding of our housing site.

The theme of the project was empowering young people to give other young people advice.

The project was funded by The Playhouse Theatre and delivered by Peaball Creatives.

Screenshot 2021 03 23 at 15.32.16 300x250 - Mimosa Court, Derry: Street Art Project Screenshot 2021 03 23 at 15.32.07 300x218 - Mimosa Court, Derry: Street Art Project Screenshot 2021 03 23 at 15.32.25 233x300 - Mimosa Court, Derry: Street Art Project