Derry’s Plymouth Site Tour with Building Plymouth

Building Plymouth is a Council led partnership with local construction and built environment stakeholders. This aims to link local people with jobs and apprenticeships, training and career opportunities in the construction industry.

Building Plymouth has been working with Military Service Leavers to try and inspire them to join construction. They requested a tour of our ‘Derry’s’ site, previously Derry’s Department Store in Plymouth City Centre.

Our Project Team at Derry’s Plymouth, headed up by Contract Manager Steven Price hosted the Military Service Leavers group. The purpose of the tour was to show the group a live construction site. They also had a good chat with the team to learn more about their job roles on site.

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Joanne Lucas, Employer Relationship Manager (South West) at the Career Transition Partnership said:

“The feedback from the service leavers was excellent and I believe they gained a great deal from the experience and the information that you gave in your talk. In particular, they gained a fuller understanding of a sector that they may not have previously considered and also some valuable network contacts kindly offering support and a way forward.”

“I would like to thank you (Steven Price, Contract Manager) personally for your individual input – as you know it is always incredibly helpful to hear these stories at first hand from those who have made a successful transition to a new career.”

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If you are interested in a career in Construction in the Plymouth area, Building Plymouth holds a Job Shop at the Plymouth Guildhall every Wednesday. Find out more.