Harryville Final Handover

EHA handed over the final houses at Wakehurst Court, Ballymena this morning, Wednesday 26th September 2018.

21 apartments were given to Clanmil Housing Association, bringing it to a total of 48 units handed over this month, a combination of apartments and homes.

These bright, brand new homes were delivered 5 months ahead of schedule – testament to the team and the great relationships we have with our labour and materials supply chain. Well done to everyone involved in the project.

Playpark 3 handover - Harryville Final Handover

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door and lift handover - Harryville Final HandoverSep 2018 handover 11 1 1 - Harryville Final Handover Sep 26th houses handover - Harryville Final Handover Sep 26th Handover  - Harryville Final Handover Sep 26th close up houses - Harryville Final Handover